An unpredictable wild animal, a raccoon dog, is loose in Wales. Public urged to report sightings but not approach.

Raccoon dogs look like raccoons, but they are actually canine relatives. These animals come from Asia’s forests and are considered an invasive species.
It is legal to own a raccoon dog, though the RSPCA advises against it. Selling or breeding them is illegal since 2019, as they threaten European wildlife. The RSPCA adds they are very smelly, too.
Seeing them in Wales is rare. One was seen in 2020, and it was captured and killed. Another was spotted in 2022, in Powys. Don’t approach them; they can act unpredictably.
NRW wants you to call them at 03000 65 3000 to report sightings. This line operates 24 hours a day, and you can report them anonymously.
These animals harm local wildlife and can travel far. They eat fruit, bugs, and small animals. Like all animals, they can act unpredictably, so do not approach them. Government agencies are working together and are handling the escape.