A driver in Bandon, West Cork, was arrested after testing almost five times over the alcohol limit during a checkpoint.

The driver got stopped around 4 PM on Sunday, and a test showed very high alcohol levels. The driver had 108mg of alcohol, almost five times the legal limit of 22mg.
The police arrested the driver right away, and now, they must go to court. The court could fine them up to €5,000, and jail time, up to six months, is also possible. Insurance costs will likely increase.
A Garda spokesperson stated online that Bandon police had a checkpoint, testing drivers for alcohol and one driver failed the test badly. The driver’s breath sample measured 108mg, and the driver was then charged in court.
Last year, something similar occurred when police found another driver asleep on the N22. A vodka bottle sat beside them, and this driver also failed the test, being five times over the limit as well.
West Cork has many cases of dangerous driving. Barely a week ago, police stopped a car because its tires looked like Formula 1 racing slicks.
Road safety officers stopped the car in Bandon, finding that the car had three completely bald tires. The Garda took pictures of the unsafe tires.
The shiny tires reflected the officer’s image, and police joked about the ‘slick’ tires online. Formula 1 drivers use such tires on racetracks, but regular roads are not a safe place for them because they cause skids and punctures easily.