Women visiting Dublin hide as a masked burglar breaks into their Airbnb, stealing a TV before fleeing.

Conal manages the Airbnb in Dublin’s center. He told RTÉ’s Liveline about the incident, explaining the women had checked in on Friday. Saturday night, a man entered the garden and then gained access to the kitchen.
Hiding in the bedroom, the American women watched as the intruder, who wore a balaclava, grabbed the TV off the wall. He used a knife to cut it down but did not steal anything else.
Terrified, the women watched as he tried to escape the way he came, but instead, he broke a glass window with a fire extinguisher. He then escaped through the actual door and went onto the roof, fleeing the scene.
Gardaí are investigating the Talbot Street break-in, which occurred around 12:20 am Sunday. A Garda spokesperson confirmed the report, and their investigations are ongoing.
Talbot Street is located near O’Connell St and Croke Park in Dublin’s north inner city, close to The Abbey Theatre. The street is diverse, catering to both locals and tourists.
Recent improvements include street cleanliness. There are ongoing efforts to boost safety as well as improving the infrastructure and enhance the area’s overall look.