Farishta Jami, a UK mom, saved money for Afghanistan flights to join ISIS with her kids. She was convicted of terror crimes.

Jami is from Stratford-upon-Avon. The court convicted her on Thursday. This relates to her actions between September 2022 and January 2024. Police stated Jami planned to “martyr herself” in Afghanistan.
She saved £1,200 for one-way tickets. The flights were for her and her children. Jami shared violent ISIS content online. She posted videos, images, and documents. She joined ISIS supporting groups and chats.
She researched weapons and AK-47 assembly. Jami will be sentenced today, Friday. Police searched Jami’s home. They found devices, sim cards, and hidden cash. She was hiding passports too.
She shared extremist content on social media. This material was shared from September 2022 to January 2024.
She oversaw group posts as an admin. Some groups had over 700 members. They spread ISIS propaganda, like video guides. This showed her loyalty to ISKP.
Jami wanted to travel in July 2023. She gathered cash by November. This showed her intention to travel to Afghanistan. She searched for flights to Afghanistan 22 times. Many searches included one-way tickets. These tickets were for her and her children.
Detectives found no family contact arranging a visit. She claimed she wanted to see her family. The police welcome the verdict.