Paul Welsh, from Toxteth, received a 14-year sentence for blackmailing children in the UK and the US for explicit photos.

Welsh, from Toxteth, blackmailed kids in the UK and US. He made them send explicit pictures. He chatted online with who he thought was a child, but it was actually an undercover officer.
This officer worked for Tarian, a crime unit in southern Wales. They shared info with the North West ROCU. Police arrested Welsh on May 5, 2023, at his home and found many victims on his devices across the UK and US. Welsh blackmailed some into sending photos.
Welsh, age 46, went to court this year, on February 12. He admitted to 42 crimes, including child abuse images, attempted sexual communication with a child, blackmail, and arranging child sex offenses.
The court sentenced Welsh to 14 years in jail. He also received a Sexual Harm Prevention Order and must register as a sex offender for life.
Detective Viktorija Clarehugh spoke, saying a predator is now in jail. His actions were depraved and deserve this sentence. Police work together to protect kids, as abuse can happen online, she said.
This sentence is a reminder that abuse knows no borders. Detective Rich Davies added that their priority is protecting children. He thanked officers for their hard work, stating that Welsh is a dangerous predator, and his conviction protects vulnerable children.