Council cuts accommodation for ‘non-priority’ homeless due to unprecedented demand and rising costs in Trafford.

Homelessness is way up in Trafford right now, and they have way more people needing places to stay. This also means more money spent on temporary housing. A director named Richard Roe wrote a report. He said this problem is costing the council a lot, and it’s becoming a real budget issue for them.
The law says they must house certain people. This is the Homeless Reduction Act of 2017. These people have “priority need” for housing.
“Priority need” includes pregnant women, for example. Also, families with kids fall into this category, as well as domestic abuse victims and young people.
Rough sleepers and disabled people are also priorities. Mental health issues or military service counts. Elderly and terminally ill people get priority.
Roe’s report explained their legal duty. They don’t have a legal duty to house everyone. Trafford used to house more people than required. They did this under a program called “A Bed Every Night.” This started back in 2018 with funding.
The program provided eleven housing units. Even when the beds were full, they still housed everyone. They used B&Bs and temporary spots for all, including people without “priority need.”
B&B costs keep going up like crazy. With limited money, they must focus. Trafford will only house people they legally must now. Trafford residents will likely see their council tax increase. The increase could be around 7.49 percent. This is happening in the background.