Pepita Garcia, 75, found dead in Tottenham after welfare check. Police investigate circumstances, seek information.

She likely died before Christmas, they think. The police are unsure how she died. Dominic Whitton, 40, faces a charge. He is accused of preventing a proper burial.
Detective Inspector Hart speaks for the police. They are looking into Pepita’s death. Police ask anyone who knew her to come forward. They want background information on her life. Police aim to understand what happened to Pepita.
Police also want any relevant footage, including mobile phone or dashcam videos, from Reynardson Road. The relevant timeframe is October 2024 to January 2025.
A taxi driver might have key information. He drove Pepita to Reynardson Road in August 2024. The driver saw her struggling with building supplies she had just bought herself.
The driver worried about Pepita, it seems. He possibly filmed her with his phone. He is not a suspect, however.