A violent incident in Redcar left three people injured, prompting a police cordon and investigation.

It all started shortly after eight in the evening. A number of people were somehow involved, and police put up a cordon on the street.
Three people ended up hurt, which is terrible. They went to the hospital for treatment. The police are looking for three men who are suspects in the incident.
Witnesses reported seeing armed police there. Social media showed a large police cordon too. Police say the public is not in danger.
The police are asking folks for help, needing witnesses and information. The incident occurred on Queen Street and involved multiple people.
Ambulances took the three injured to the hospital. The suspects ran away from the scene, and the police are working to find them now.
The ambulance service responded quickly, going to Queen Street before 8:45 PM. They sent an ambulance and a clinical team leader; a doctor also assisted the team. One patient went to James Cook Hospital.
Did you see anything or know anything? Call Cleveland Police at 101 and please use reference number SE25027363. Your help could solve this.