MP Claire Young donates books won at a publisher’s event to CCP in Yate, benefiting vulnerable families and homeless youth.

She visited Caring for Communities and People (CCP) in Yate. She met the family support team and gave them the books she won as a prize at a publishers event. The books will help families read.
CCP works with the local council to support families in South Gloucestershire. They also house young people aged 16 to 25. During her visit, Young toured Southwold House where she met Cordell Ray, CCP’s chief executive.
Young thought the books found a good home and believes they will assist families in need. She enjoyed visiting Southwold House, thinking it is crucial for young people, and added her handprint to the wall there.
Ray welcomed Young to Southwold House and liked her visit and the donation. He said Young seemed interested in CCP’s services, which provide housing for young people and help families struggling.
Ray explained the books will help many families CCP helps all year. A young person gave Young a gift: a model of Southwold House, which will go to her office. Such visits help exchange ideas and let MPs see local services.