A teenager is warned he could face a life sentence after a pub stabbing. Two others await sentencing as well.

George, age 19, has a record of violent crimes, and he may face a life sentence now. Reece Ashall was at the Fox and Goose pub last year on October 18. CCTV showed Jacob Cleaver talking to Ashall and Cleaver seemed to calm him down before punching Ashall hard quickly.
Ashall fell to the floor after the punch. The man continued to kick and push Ashall whilst Bennett then stabbed Ashall in the back with the knife in his right hand.
Jamie Turner grabbed Bennett’s arm first and tried pulling Cleaver away from Ashall, before Turner then joined the fight himself. He acted aggressively to the door staff who were trying to stop the fight. A video showed the fight began near a machine with Mike Tyson pictures.
Ashall realized he was stabbed later, then he went to the toilets, and a friend drove him to the hospital. Ashall stayed in the hospital for six days while he had a collapsed lung from the stabbing. He needed blood transfusions and a chest drain.
Ashall said he was having a good time, then Cleaver asked what his problem was, and Cleaver attacked him after speaking to him. Bennett had been sentenced before, where he got 15 months for wounding at age 15, and 12 months for assault at age 14.
Bennett got 16 more months in 2023 for affray in a young offenders unit, where he attacked another inmate, punching and stabbing him with a pen. Cleaver has other convictions too, and these include battery and public order issues. He got 81 months for wounding with intent, and Turner was involved in that crime as well.
Turner also has prior convictions and got nine years before for assault. Cleaver was also involved in that assault, and Turner was released on license then recalled after the Fox and Goose fight. Bennett admitted to wounding with intent in court while Cleaver and Turner admitted to affray.
Cleaver didn’t show up and a warrant got issued with his lawyer believing he ran away to avoid jail. Cleaver and Turner will be sentenced soon. Bennett’s sentencing is happening in April.
The judge wants a psychiatric report before making a decision stating that Bennett might get life. He wants full information before deciding this as it’s a serious decision, especially for one so young.