Cat Takes Train Trip From Surrey to London Needs Owner Collection

Cat Takes Train Trip From Surrey to London Needs Owner Collection

Tilly, a Weybridge cat, traveled over 17 miles to Waterloo Station. Her owner, Michael Hardy, retrieved her. Cat Takes Train Trip From Surrey to London Needs Owner Collection A cat named Tilly made news. She took a train to London, a trip of over 17 miles. Michael Hardy had to get her, finding her at…

Lonely Old House Stands Out on South London Street Near Waterloo

Lonely Old House Stands Out on South London Street Near Waterloo

An early 1800s house survives near Waterloo Station, a relic from a demolished street replaced by railway tracks. Lonely Old House Stands Out on South London Street Near Waterloo London changed a lot in the last hundred years. The city transforms very fast. Someone from thirty years ago might not recognize it. Some old places…