Car Ploughs Into Women Near Dundee Bakery Shocking Onlookers

Car Ploughs Into Women Near Dundee Bakery Shocking Onlookers

A car hit two women outside a Dundee bakery. The two women were fortunately unharmed, and police are probing the incident. Car Ploughs Into Women Near Dundee Bakery Shocking Onlookers Okay, so check this out. A car hit two women in Dundee. It happened near Baynes bakery on Ballindean Road. The event occurred around 3…

Car Thefts Plague Quiet North Staffordshire Village Overnight

Car Thefts Plague Quiet North Staffordshire Village Overnight

Thieves targeted multiple cars in Biddulph Moor Sunday. Police urge residents to secure vehicles and report information. Car Thefts Plague Quiet North Staffordshire Village Overnight Hey, bad news from Biddulph Moor. Thieves broke into several cars, and police want everyone to stay alert. This happened this past Sunday. Two cars got hit on one street…

Hit And Run Horror Dad Thought Face Torn Off Wife Suffered Broken Chest

Hit And Run Horror Dad Thought Face Torn Off Wife Suffered Broken Chest

Couple injured in hit and run crash in Manchester. The woman suffered a fractured sternum, the man covered in blood. Hit And Run Horror Dad Thought Face Torn Off Wife Suffered Broken Chest A mom broke her chest in a scary car crash. Her partner thought his face was gone. He was covered in blood…