Dudley Leader Slams Mayor’s Bus Plan Over Cost Concerns

Dudley Leader Slams Mayor’s Bus Plan Over Cost Concerns

Dudley leader criticizes West Midlands mayor’s bus franchise plan, fearing £80M council cost. Dudley Leader Slams Mayor’s Bus Plan Over Cost Concerns Dudley Council heard about a bus franchise plan. This plan comes from Transport for West Midlands (TfWM). The council’s overview committee learned some details. The plan could leave councils with a big bill.…

West Midlands Awarded Enough Cash to Fill 88000 Potholes

West Midlands Awarded Enough Cash to Fill 88000 Potholes

Extra funding allows West Midlands to fix 88000 potholes. This will improve road safety and driving conditions significantly. West Midlands Awarded Enough Cash to Fill 88000 Potholes The West Midlands got extra money for road repairs. It’s enough to fix 88,000 potholes. West Midlands roads have lots of potholes. Richard Parker announced more highway repair…