A500 Drug Bust: Suspicious Smell Leads to Arrests, Cash, and Cannabis

A500 Drug Bust: Suspicious Smell Leads to Arrests, Cash, and Cannabis

Police stopped a car on the A500 after smelling cannabis, finding drugs, cash, and linking the men to dealing. Suspended sentences issued. A500 Drug Bust: Suspicious Smell Leads to Arrests, Cash, and Cannabis Two guys avoided jail time after police found drugs and cash. Shaun Gooding, 31, drove a car. Kamljit Sahota, 47, rode with…

Drunk Driver With No Lights Stocks Up on Booze at Petrol Station

Drunk Driver With No Lights Stocks Up on Booze at Petrol Station

Man caught drink driving after buying more alcohol. He had no lights on and failed a breath test. Drunk Driver With No Lights Stocks Up on Booze at Petrol Station Jayakumar Sessayyan drove poorly. He swerved a lot and stopped at a gas station. He bought more alcohol there. A witness saw him and followed…