Gosforth Metro Depot: Inside the £70m Train Hub for New Fleet

Gosforth Metro Depot: Inside the £70m Train Hub for New Fleet

A look inside the new £70m Gosforth depot, purpose built for new Stadler trains. See how they maintain the old and new fleet. Gosforth Metro Depot: Inside the £70m Train Hub for New Fleet I visited the Nexus Metro Control Centre last year. The first new Stadler train started running then. The Metro’s new Gosforth…

New Metro Trains Finally Serve Sunderland Line After Delays

New Metro Trains Finally Serve Sunderland Line After Delays

New Tyne and Wear Metro trains are now running on the Sunderland line, enhancing passenger experience and reliability. New Metro Trains Finally Serve Sunderland Line After Delays The new Tyne and Wear Metro trains are now running on the Sunderland line. Earlier, they only ran on the Yellow Line. The Sunderland line uses Network Rail…