Irish Drivers Risk Fine & Points For Speeding Without Speedometer

Irish Drivers Risk Fine & Points For Speeding Without Speedometer

Relying on apps instead of your car’s speedometer in Ireland could mean fines, points or even a court appearance. Irish Drivers Risk Fine & Points For Speeding Without Speedometer Irish drivers may be breaking the law unknowingly. This involves a very common driving habit; some drivers ignore their car’s speedometer and instead, they use phone…

Gardaí Cork Checkpoint Blitz Planned This Week Full Locations Detailed

Gardaí Cork Checkpoint Blitz Planned This Week Full Locations Detailed

Gardaí to conduct checkpoints in Cork this week, focusing on speeding and road safety as part of National Slow Down Day. Gardaí Cork Checkpoint Blitz Planned This Week Full Locations Detailed Police will do many checkpoints this week. They want to catch speeding drivers. They will also check for other road safety issues. Cork will…