Feral Pigs Illegally Released in Cairngorms Quickly Caught and Killed

Feral Pigs Illegally Released in Cairngorms Quickly Caught and Killed

Eight feral pigs were illegally released in Cairngorms National Park and later humanely killed by authorities. Feral Pigs Illegally Released in Cairngorms Quickly Caught and Killed Some pigs were let loose in Cairngorms National Park. This happened in the Uath Lochans area on Monday. They found the pigs on Tuesday. Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS)…

Wild Boar Filmed in Devon: Rare Sightings Spark Mixed Reactions

Wild Boar Filmed in Devon: Rare Sightings Spark Mixed Reactions

Rare wild boar spotted on Dartmoor, Devon, in a recent video. Some cheer their return, others fear overpopulation and land damage. Wild Boar Filmed in Devon: Rare Sightings Spark Mixed Reactions Wild boar were filmed on Dartmoor recently. People rarely see these animals in Devon. The video shows the boar moving on the moor. Wild…