Locals Fury Over Solar Farm Plans Branding Them ‘Absolute Madness’

Locals Fury Over Solar Farm Plans Branding Them ‘Absolute Madness’

Residents object to a proposed solar farm near Hayle, fearing loss of farmland & landscape damage. Locals Fury Over Solar Farm Plans Branding Them ‘Absolute Madness’ Nearly one hundred residents object. Three town councils also disagree with the plans. The plan involves a solar farm near Hayle. It would cover almost 200 acres. People worry…

Dudley Council to Pay Costs After Climate Project Decision Overturned

Dudley Council to Pay Costs After Climate Project Decision Overturned

Council must pay costs after losing appeal for battery facility on green belt land. Climate benefits cited. Dudley Council to Pay Costs After Climate Project Decision Overturned A new battery facility got approved. It will be on green belt land in Halesowen. This happened after an appeal. The Planning Inspectorate made the decision. Dudley Council…

Devon Seeks Land Redevelopment Ideas for Future Planning

Devon Seeks Land Redevelopment Ideas for Future Planning

Mid Devon seeks land proposals for housing, jobs, energy, and habitats by March 14 to inform a new local plan. Devon Seeks Land Redevelopment Ideas for Future Planning Mid Devon wants new development ideas. They asked landowners, developers, and groups to share land proposals. The call started February 6 and ends March 14. It updates…

New Wind Turbines Near Manchester Face Strong Local Opposition

New Wind Turbines Near Manchester Face Strong Local Opposition

Plans for 21 new, large wind turbines at Scout Moor near Manchester spark local concerns over landscape and environment. New Wind Turbines Near Manchester Face Strong Local Opposition A big wind farm could appear in the UK’s north. It would sit on Scout Moor, near Manchester. Some people really dislike this idea. Scout Moor has…