Tile Hill Railway Bridge Incident Prompts Police Response in Coventry

Tile Hill Railway Bridge Incident Prompts Police Response in Coventry

Police responded to reports of a man on a bridge near Tile Hill station, resolving the situation safely. Tile Hill Railway Bridge Incident Prompts Police Response in Coventry Hey, something happened in Tile Hill. It involved the railway bridge. Police cars and officers were there earlier today near Tile Hill Railway Station. Trains to Coventry…

Body Found After Police Respond to Concern on Longsight Road

Body Found After Police Respond to Concern on Longsight Road

A man’s body discovered near Holcombe sports club after a police welfare check; road closed but now reopened. Body Found After Police Respond to Concern on Longsight Road A man’s body was discovered. Police responded to a welfare concern report. This occurred Thursday evening, February 20, near Holcombe sports and tennis club. Many emergency services…