West Lancashire Pools Saved? Alternative Budget Proposed by Councillor

West Lancashire Pools Saved? Alternative Budget Proposed by Councillor

An opposition group in West Lancashire proposes a budget to save threatened swimming pools, challenging council plans. West Lancashire Pools Saved? Alternative Budget Proposed by Councillor West Lancashire faces a budget meeting on Wednesday night. Two swimming pools, Park Pool and Nye Bevan Pool, may close as the council’s Labour group wants to close them.…

Pools in Ormskirk and Skelmersdale to Close Due to Funding Issues

Pools in Ormskirk and Skelmersdale to Close Due to Funding Issues

Ormskirk and Skelmersdale pools face closure as council cites lack of Government funding and budget constraints Pools in Ormskirk and Skelmersdale to Close Due to Funding Issues Two local pools might close next month. They are in Ormskirk and Skelmersdale. The council faces budget issues. A government minister said there is no more money. He…