Quad Biker’s Desperate Race Through City Streets Ends in Prison

Quad Biker’s Desperate Race Through City Streets Ends in Prison

A quad biker in Stoke-on-Trent faces jail after a dangerous high-speed chase through city streets last November. Quad Biker’s Desperate Race Through City Streets Ends in Prison A quad biker got prison time for a wild stunt. He drove dangerously, so police chased him. This happened in Stoke-on-Trent last November. A police helicopter recorded the…

Rough Sleeper Banned From Church After Racist Remarks Near Westport Lake

Rough Sleeper Banned From Church After Racist Remarks Near Westport Lake

Stephen Armstrong, living in Westport Lake toilets, gets order barring church visits after racist abuse. Rough Sleeper Banned From Church After Racist Remarks Near Westport Lake Stephen Armstrong lived near Westport Lake. He spoke with racist words. Church staff heard him, but could not help him then. He spoke to a coffee shop woman, too.…

Drunk Driver With No Lights Stocks Up on Booze at Petrol Station

Drunk Driver With No Lights Stocks Up on Booze at Petrol Station

Man caught drink driving after buying more alcohol. He had no lights on and failed a breath test. Drunk Driver With No Lights Stocks Up on Booze at Petrol Station Jayakumar Sessayyan drove poorly. He swerved a lot and stopped at a gas station. He bought more alcohol there. A witness saw him and followed…