London MP Wants Ban on Loud Pedicab Music Disturbing Residents

London MP Wants Ban on Loud Pedicab Music Disturbing Residents

A London MP is petitioning TfL to ban loud music from pedicabs, citing disturbances to residents at late hours. London MP Wants Ban on Loud Pedicab Music Disturbing Residents A London politician started a petition. Rachel Blake wants to ban loud music on pedicabs to address the noise that bothers people in London, finding it…

Edinburgh Residents Angered by Government Approved ‘Horrendous’ Dome

Edinburgh Residents Angered by Government Approved ‘Horrendous’ Dome

Locals protest a large dome covering tennis courts, calling it noisy and visually unappealing after government approval. Edinburgh Residents Angered by Government Approved ‘Horrendous’ Dome People are angry about a big dome in Edinburgh. This dome covers tennis courts at a sports club, and neighbors call it an “enormous zit.” They think it looks like…

Noisy Manhole Covers Disrupt Coventry Residents: Train-Like Sound

Noisy Manhole Covers Disrupt Coventry Residents: Train-Like Sound

Coventry residents distressed by loud, train-like noise from manhole covers on St James Lane, causing sleep disruption. Noisy Manhole Covers Disrupt Coventry Residents: Train-Like Sound People in Coventry are upset about noisy manhole covers. These covers are on St James Lane. The noise sounds like a train, residents say, and lorries and buses make it…