Birmingham Uber and Bolt Drivers Protest for Fair Pay and Safety

Birmingham Uber and Bolt Drivers Protest for Fair Pay and Safety

Birmingham drivers protest Uber and Bolt on Valentine’s Day, demanding better pay, safer conditions, and fair treatment. Birmingham Uber and Bolt Drivers Protest for Fair Pay and Safety Uber and Bolt drivers plan to protest on Valentine’s Day, demanding safety and fair pay. Private-hire drivers, including Addison Lee staff, will stop working. They will log…

Uber Bolt Drivers Protest in Birmingham: Enough is Enough Convoy

Uber Bolt Drivers Protest in Birmingham: Enough is Enough Convoy

Drivers convoy through Birmingham, protesting unfair pay, rising costs, and algorithm control on Valentine’s Day. Uber Bolt Drivers Protest in Birmingham: Enough is Enough Convoy Private hire drivers plan a national ‘log off’. It happens on Valentine’s Day. The drivers will protest. The protest is a convoy from the city center to Birmingham Airport. It…