Birmingham Protesters Erect Wall of Shame at Council Over Budget Cuts

Birmingham Protesters Erect Wall of Shame at Council Over Budget Cuts

Family protests day center closures, creating a “wall of shame” at Birmingham Council House during budget meetings. Birmingham Protesters Erect Wall of Shame at Council Over Budget Cuts A family protested day center closures, creating a “wall of shame” at Birmingham Council House during budget meetings. Jean and James Cross led the protest against closing…

Birmingham Day Centers Sold Defeating Campaigner Efforts

Birmingham Day Centers Sold Defeating Campaigner Efforts

Four Birmingham day centers are being sold, a crushing blow to campaigners fighting their closure due to funding cuts. Birmingham Day Centers Sold Defeating Campaigner Efforts Four Birmingham adult day centers will close soon. They are already being sold to buyers. This news is a blow to those trying to save them. Harborne, Fairways, Heartlands,…