Community Garden to Bloom in Swansea Churchyard Transformation

Community Garden to Bloom in Swansea Churchyard Transformation

A Swansea churchyard will be transformed into Greenhill Gardens, a community space led by Matthew’s House supporting the past. Community Garden to Bloom in Swansea Churchyard Transformation A Swansea churchyard will become a community garden. Matthew’s House charity is leading this change, helping people with homelessness and addiction. The charity wants to improve the churchyard’s…

Cemetery Sticker Mystery Police Investigate Thousands of Grave Markers

Cemetery Sticker Mystery Police Investigate Thousands of Grave Markers

Thousands of QR code grave stickers appear in Munich cemeteries. Police investigate the strange, damaging phenomenon. Cemetery Sticker Mystery Police Investigate Thousands of Grave Markers Over a thousand stickers showed up at Munich cemeteries. They are on gravestones in Germany. Police are investigating the strange appearance of these things. The stickers feature a QR code.…