Belfast Man Realizes Dream, Opens Shop Dedicated Entirely to Cheesecake

Belfast Man Realizes Dream, Opens Shop Dedicated Entirely to Cheesecake

Jonathon Bennett, owner of Belfast Cheesecake Company, opens his first shop after 10 years, offering diverse cheesecake creations. Belfast Man Realizes Dream, Opens Shop Dedicated Entirely to Cheesecake Jonathon Bennett, from Belfast, opened his first shop very close to his home. He only sells cheesecake. He grew up in East Belfast, admires Jenny Bristow, and…

Nurses Trade Scrubs for Suds Running Local Pub, Now Busier Than Ever

Nurses Trade Scrubs for Suds Running Local Pub, Now Busier Than Ever

Nurses Francine and Mark Smith left nursing to run The Dog and Gun Inn, finding success with food and community. Nurses Trade Scrubs for Suds Running Local Pub, Now Busier Than Ever Francine and Mark Smith dreamed of owning a pub. They were both nurses and wanted a career change. In 2019, they moved to…