Teen Driver Claims Ignorance Despite Police Chase and Flashing Lights

Teen Driver Claims Ignorance Despite Police Chase and Flashing Lights

A teen driver claimed he didn’t know police were chasing him, despite a high-speed chase and flashing lights in Swansea. Teen Driver Claims Ignorance Despite Police Chase and Flashing Lights A teen sped over bumps, his car’s wheels leaving the ground, as police were chasing him. He claimed he didn’t see them. The judge spoke…

Learner Driver on Drugs Speeding Near Nenagh Vehicle Seized

Learner Driver on Drugs Speeding Near Nenagh Vehicle Seized

Unaccompanied learner in Tipperary faces charges after being caught speeding while drug driving. Car seized by Gardaí. Learner Driver on Drugs Speeding Near Nenagh Vehicle Seized A driver in Munster got into big trouble. Police caught them committing many traffic offenses. This happened near Nenagh in Tipperary on Friday. They were speeding in town, almost…

North Staffordshire Magistrates Court: Four Drivers Face Justice

North Staffordshire Magistrates Court: Four Drivers Face Justice

Four drivers in North Staffordshire faced court for offenses including drink-driving and refusing breath tests. North Staffordshire Magistrates Court: Four Drivers Face Justice Here’s what’s been happening in local courts. Peter Rushton, 68, from Cheadle, got a driving ban for 29 months because he was drink-driving. His partner called the police on December 28 at…