Man Assaults Three Police Officers in Desperate Toilet Dash

Man Assaults Three Police Officers in Desperate Toilet Dash

A man assaulted three officers when they stopped him from using his toilet. He received a conditional discharge. Man Assaults Three Police Officers in Desperate Toilet Dash This guy named Joseph Wayment is in trouble. Police went to his house in Loughborough. They were checking out a fight he had with his brother. The police…

Ashington Man Discovered with Large Tub of Dead Cannabis After Police Raid

Ashington Man Discovered with Large Tub of Dead Cannabis After Police Raid

Philip Burton caught in Ashington with a large stash of dead cannabis; receives conditional discharge after July raid. Ashington Man Discovered with Large Tub of Dead Cannabis After Police Raid Hey, listen to what I just read. Police searched a guy’s house in Ashington. His name is Philip Burton. They found a big tub of…