Hartlepool Civic Centre Redevelopment Under Discussion by Council

Hartlepool Civic Centre Redevelopment Under Discussion by Council

Hartlepool considers redeveloping its Civic Centre, prioritizing town center improvements. No final decisions have been made. Hartlepool Civic Centre Redevelopment Under Discussion by Council Hartlepool may redevelop its Civic Centre area. Council leaders have talked about it quite a bit, but they have made no final choices yet though. The council has a plan for…

Exeter Loses Two Giant Trees Amid Safety Concerns and Council Decision

Exeter Loses Two Giant Trees Amid Safety Concerns and Council Decision

Two giant redwood trees in Exeter face removal due to safety hazards and structural damage, despite public sadness. Exeter Loses Two Giant Trees Amid Safety Concerns and Council Decision A large redwood tree in Exeter must come down. They say it’s not safe, and this giant is one of two Exeter trees to be chopped.…