Staffordshire Police Review After Officers Seemingly Asleep in Car

Staffordshire Police Review After Officers Seemingly Asleep in Car

Video shows officers seemingly asleep in an unmarked police car. A full review is now underway by Staffordshire Police. Staffordshire Police Review After Officers Seemingly Asleep in Car A video showed two police officers seemingly asleep in a car. This car was unmarked and belonged to Staffordshire Police. It was running at a junction. Now,…

Birmingham City Road Gets New Speed Limit After Crash Concerns

Birmingham City Road Gets New Speed Limit After Crash Concerns

New speed limit aims to improve safety on accident prone City near schools. Birmingham City Road Gets New Speed Limit After Crash Concerns City Road had many crashes. Residents wanted changes for years. They asked for ways to slow traffic. City Road has parked cars on both sides. Near-daily crashes often damage these cars. A…

Birmingham City Road Gets New Speed Limit After Crash Concerns

Birmingham Street: Once ‘Nice’ Area Faces Crime, Residents Want to Leave

Residents of a Birmingham street cite crime, speeding, and problem housing as reasons for wanting to relocate. Birmingham Street: Once ‘Nice’ Area Faces Crime, Residents Want to Leave City Road in Edgbaston should be a nice place. Sadly, residents face many problems. These include speeding, crashes, and break-ins. Drug deals happen in driveways. Some houses…