Son’s Life in Temporary Homes A Scots Mum’s Decade-Long Homeless Hell

Son’s Life in Temporary Homes A Scots Mum’s Decade-Long Homeless Hell

A mother shares her son’s nine-year struggle with homelessness in Edinburgh temporary housing, impacting his development. Son’s Life in Temporary Homes A Scots Mum’s Decade-Long Homeless Hell Stacey Grieve and her son Archie lived in temporary housing for nine years in Edinburgh. Stacey described the struggles of being homeless for almost a decade with her…

Plymouth Foster Carers Can Earn Over £41K With New Support Scheme

Plymouth Foster Carers Can Earn Over £41K With New Support Scheme

Plymouth introduces ‘Step Forward’ scheme offering £41k+ for foster carers supporting children with complex needs. Plymouth Foster Carers Can Earn Over £41K With New Support Scheme Plymouth needs more foster carers now. Kids need loving homes. The city created a new support system called the “Step Forward Scheme”. It helps kids with complex needs, with…

NSPCC: Over 400 Referrals in North East Due to Parental Substance Use

NSPCC: Over 400 Referrals in North East Due to Parental Substance Use

The NSPCC made over 400 referrals in the North East last year relating to parental substance misuse and its impact on children. NSPCC: Over 400 Referrals in North East Due to Parental Substance Use Last year, a charity made 406 referrals in the North East. They helped adults concerned about kids. The worries involved parents’…

Substance Misuse Hurts Over 1000 Leicestershire Children, Says Report

Substance Misuse Hurts Over 1000 Leicestershire Children, Says Report

NSPCC reports over one thousand children in Leicestershire are affected by parental substance misuse. Support is available. Substance Misuse Hurts Over 1000 Leicestershire Children, Says Report The NSPCC says many kids live with heavy drinkers. Over a thousand Leicestershire children are affected. National data shows one in five UK children are affected. Parents’ drinking habits…