Derbyshire Pub, Black Swan Near Belper, Could Become a Private Home

Derbyshire Pub, Black Swan Near Belper, Could Become a Private Home

The Black Swan pub in Derbyshire, closed since March 2024, may be converted into a residential property. Derbyshire Pub, Black Swan Near Belper, Could Become a Private Home A very old pub might become a house. It is called the Black Swan, and it is near Belper, in Derbyshire. This pub closed down last year…

Derbyshire Care Home Future Sparks Protest Over Council Proposals

Derbyshire Care Home Future Sparks Protest Over Council Proposals

Derbyshire council considers selling a care home and converting others sparking a protest over the proposals. Derbyshire Care Home Future Sparks Protest Over Council Proposals Campaigners plan a protest concerning the council’s care home proposals. Derbyshire County Council faces budget issues and might sell a care home. Alternatively, they could convert two into rehab centers.…

Derbyshire Childrens Homes Spark Police Concerns Over Residential Rise

Derbyshire Childrens Homes Spark Police Concerns Over Residential Rise

Police raise concerns about a rise in Derbyshire children’s homes in residential areas, citing potential nuisance and management issues. Derbyshire Childrens Homes Spark Police Concerns Over Residential Rise Okay, so there’s a plan for kids’ homes in Derbyshire. People worry about more homes opening in residential areas. This specific plan is for two homes near…

Drug Driver Jailed for Killing Belper Grandad in Fatal Crash

Drug Driver Jailed for Killing Belper Grandad in Fatal Crash

Michael Burgess was jailed after a crash that killed Terence Wragg, a Belper grandad, while Burgess was drug driving. Drug Driver Jailed for Killing Belper Grandad in Fatal Crash A driver was jailed for a fatal crash that happened in Denby. Michael Burgess caused the death of Terence Wragg, a grandfather, in September 2022. Terry…