Bellshill Mum Finds Thief in Car After Leaving Engine Running

Bellshill Mum Finds Thief in Car After Leaving Engine Running

A Bellshill mom returned to her running car to find a man in the passenger seat attempting to steal it. Bellshill Mum Finds Thief in Car After Leaving Engine Running A Bellshill mom left her car running and went back inside briefly. When she returned, a man was in the passenger seat. The man was…

Dead Cat in Morrison’s Bag Found on Scots Street Sparks Outrage

Dead Cat in Morrison’s Bag Found on Scots Street Sparks Outrage

A dead cat was discovered in a Morrison’s bag in Bellshill. Another cat found with it survived; both were underweight. Dead Cat in Morrison’s Bag Found on Scots Street Sparks Outrage Hey, guess what happened? Charity workers found a dead cat. It was in a Morrison’s bag, so awful! The cat was with another cat.…