Birmingham Mum Kicks Officer, Court Faces Dilemma on Punishment

Birmingham Mum Kicks Officer, Court Faces Dilemma on Punishment

Drunk Birmingham Mum Hannah Willis’ attack creates a court dilemma on how to decide her punishment. Birmingham Mum Kicks Officer, Court Faces Dilemma on Punishment Hannah Willis, 37, felt sorry after she attacked someone and apologized for her actions. She created a court problem, and the court needed to decide her punishment. Hannah Willis kicked…

Hull Man Jailed After Woman Hurt in Argument; Restraining Order Issued

Hull Man Jailed After Woman Hurt in Argument; Restraining Order Issued

A Hull man was jailed for 14 months after a woman was injured in a domestic argument. A ten-year restraining order was also issued. Hull Man Jailed After Woman Hurt in Argument; Restraining Order Issued A woman got hurt badly during a fight that occurred after drinking with her boyfriend. The couple’s relationship was reportedly…