Locals want the old Lancastrian Hall gone, but demolition faces challenges and is not in near-future plans.

The Lancastrian Hall, including the Swinton Central Library, is run-down. It was built back in 1969. The library moved to Swinton Gateway in 2015. It has been empty ever since.
Last year, locals wanted the building gone and suggested using the land differently. It seems unlikely to happen soon.
It wasn’t in the council’s spending plan, which covers projects up to 2028. Councillors worry about rising anti-social behavior around the building; this was mentioned in a meeting February 11th.
Councillor Bill Hinds spoke about the site and thinks it is on a list. However, demolition is not happening soon, according to him.
A council officer sees a big problem: demolishing it is tricky because it connects directly to Swinton Square shopping center. The process is complicated, they said.
Councillor John Merry said many people complained about anti-social activity. He added that people threw rocks from it, which landed down below.
Councillor Gina Reynolds agreed that residents mention it often and she wants progress on area plans. People want to know what’s happening.
Swinton improvements are in the works for years, and the council talked to residents, discussing possible developments. The “Swinton Vision” cost £350,000.
The town hall says people want demolition because Swinton looks aged and tired now. It has too many empty shops and buildings.
The council is developing Swinton, with works set to begin after Eccles’s regeneration. Eccles is having a town center makeover around its mall.