Swansea baby bank reports surge in demand helping 52 families in two hours amid rising financial hardship.

The baby bank opens every Tuesday at 9:30 AM, and people line up outside an hour before. Phillip Rosser started it with his wife June where they have been open for over six years. Sadly, she passed away a year and a half ago.
Phillip said they helped about 52 children in two hours. He thinks more people need help these days. Many families face tough financial situations, which causes demand to rise as they need more help each week it seems.
Penny Harris-John helps with the collections, explaining that people don’t choose to be in tough spots. They face hard times they didn’t expect. Some must pick between buying nappies or heating their homes, which is often a difficult choice to make.
Phillip said a local school asked for help once, as some kids lacked proper clothes. The baby bank provided clothes for primary school students and clothed 23 kids in one week in that class.
He thinks parents really need more money coming in. The baby bank helps with baby and toddler needs, and new people come each week seeking assistance. They help anyone who walks in needing aid.
They give away many things for babies and toddlers, and Phillip says he has almost everything families might need. If he lacks something, he can usually find it. They have buggies, prams, baskets, and baths, plus high chairs are available, and much more.
If you want to donate, take items to City Church. It’s located in Dyfatty, Swansea, SA1 1QQ. You can drop things off on Tuesdays when the baby bank is open.