A Surrey carer told a man with Down’s syndrome not to jump into a pool before his death during a vacation in Spain.

The group was from The Grange in Bookham. Harry Beckwith, a carer, testified earlier. He said he jumped in the pool after Michael. He landed on Michael on June 11. This was at a prior hearing at the coroner’s court.
Joanna Henderson is a senior support worker. She told Michael not to jump. This occurred on June 10. She said he understood her. He stopped jumping after she told him. Michael was 43 years old.
The group were good swimmers. They had regular sessions at The Grange pool. The pool water there is chest height. Jumping isn’t allowed in that pool.
Joanna thought those rules applied at the hotel. Everyone should have known, she explained. Joanna said Harry should have understood. He was working, not relaxing. He needed to support the clients.
She had been on other trips before. She went with groups from The Grange. Michael joined one trip. She never told staff not to jump before. Joanna spoke to Harry before the holiday.
He was excited to travel abroad. She told him to be extra careful. She helped plan the trip. She’s been writing risk assessments. The care home tries to do yearly trips. They expand experiences and bring joy.
They assessed the pool risks. This happened when they got to the hotel. Joanna wasn’t at the pool on June 11. Her colleague called her after the incident. An ambulance arrived quickly at the scene.
Joanna went to the hospital with Michael. She told the doctor what she thought happened. Michael’s family made a statement. It was read by their representative. His brother said he was full of life. He had an innate sense of empathy.
Michael loved to dance. His favorite song was Don’t Stop Me Now. His family stated his death devastated them. The inquest is still ongoing now.