A top university student is jailed for her role in a £20m drug scheme involving heroin, cocaine, and ketamine imports.

Sian, age 25, and her ex, Eddie Burton, ran the scheme. They moved heroin, cocaine, and ketamine. Lorries were stopped in 2022 with the drugs hidden, linking back to them.
Eddie pleaded guilty to importing drugs. Sian admitted to seven charges, including importing drugs and money laundering. She was arrested in December 2023, and the court learned she loved the dealer’s lifestyle.
The judge said she was “seduced” by Burton and the life they lived. He stated they both engaged in crime. Burton was linked to the drug plot. Sian handled the drug packages, ketamine, and helped with money laundering.
Sian is now at HMP Bronzefield prison. Other inmates have included Rose West and Lucy Letby. While in prison, she has earned more qualifications. References also showed another side to her.
Her lawyer said she caused her own downfall and asked the court to note her regret. The judge sentenced Sian to five years and wished her well for the future. She will likely serve her term at HMP Styal.
Friends described Sian as “stunning” and liked men with money. An acquaintance was shocked by her actions. Phone records showed she smuggled drugs, moving cocaine and ketamine via Liverpool Airport, and financed Burton while he was in Europe.
Sian and Burton had been together since 2020. In July 2022, officers stopped a lorry and found cocaine and ketamine worth £6.5 million.
Burton’s DNA was on a drug packet marked “Jota K1”. Police learned Jota was the shipment’s contact. Spanish Police arrested him in August 2023 at a nightclub for drug dealing; Burton was using a fake name when arrested.
Sian was arrested at home in December 2023, suspected of aiding an offender. Money laundering was also suspected.
Investigators studied her phone messages, and she was arrested again in April. She was charged with six offenses, including drug imports and money laundering. Sian admitted to the offenses at trial, and Burton admitted to importing drugs, claiming he was forced due to threats against his family.
The judge wants more inquiries, expressing concerns about modern slavery in Burton’s case. The NCA stated Burton and Sian smuggled drugs, believing they could operate overseas. Sian laundered profits and facilitated imports. These drugs would have harmed communities, fueled violence, and exploited people.