Video shows officers seemingly asleep in an unmarked police car. A full review is now underway by Staffordshire Police.

Levi Brownfield filmed this on City Road, Fenton. The time was 3am on Monday, February 10. Levi, who was feeding homeless people with relatives, saw the car before the roundabout.
Levi said the officers just lay there, asleep. He said they tapped the window to wake them. Eventually, one officer opened the window. Staffordshire Police knows about the video and are doing a full review.
Levi lives in Longton. He drove around to give food to homeless people when they saw the police car at a junction. The engine ran, but the car stopped there.
The driver’s head looked down. Levi’s group went to speak to the officers. Both officers appeared fast asleep. Levi isn’t sure if they pretended; tapping the window woke one up.
A police spokesperson stated they knew about the video. It showed officers in Fenton early that morning. The Professional Standards Department knows about this incident and are fully reviewing things now.