Residents of Stoke-on-Trent fear a child will be hurt due to speeding drivers using their street as a dangerous shortcut.

The Stoke-on-Trent City Council looked at traffic. They studied Hollings Street, Fenpark Road, and Newmount Road. This happened because people complained about speeding.
Steve Wardill says drivers use the street like a shortcut. They speed through when King Street is busy. He fears someone will get hurt soon. He supports the council stopping the speeding. He mentioned people drive the wrong way, too.
Dean Hollins notices cars speed on the street often. Cars drive the wrong way down the one-way street, expecting others to back up and yield. He hopes the council will act before someone gets injured.
Jennifer Brown visits the street regularly. She worries fast cars could hurt children. Many kids live on the street. The fast cars really concern her.
The council included these streets in their transport plan.
The council says projects are still under consideration. They need flexibility with timelines. External issues and new priorities can change things.