Fines issued for fly-tipping, dog fouling, and waste mismanagement in South Tyneside. Offenders must pay hefty penalties.

David Elliott from Jarrow got a £600 fine for not following a protection notice. This notice addressed dog fouling in his back garden after neighbors complained about the smell for weeks. The mess prevented them from using their gardens and opening windows. The court ordered Elliott to clean his yard and pay almost £600 in costs.
Amanda Rossiter from South Shields was fined £600 for failing to remove waste from her yard. The court ordered her to pay £1,234 within 28 days. Danielle Rogers received fines totaling almost £1,300 because waste was found burning at Calver Court. Documents found linked the waste to her, and Rogers didn’t answer questions about the incident.
Andrew Bain was convicted for a waste offense due to not providing waste transfer documents after fly-tipping occurred at West Pastures. Someone paid Bain to remove their waste. Bain was fined £600 and ordered to pay over £800 in costs. The council urges people to report any incidents; you can call 0191 427 7000 to make a report.