Family devastated after South Shields man Ian Morris was killed by a driver using a mobile phone; they say their future is gone.

Ian, who was 71, died on June 28, 2023. Sophie Waugh crashed into him near Thirsk. She was a soldier, and a judge sentenced Waugh to six years and eight months.
Ian’s wife, Pauline, and sons, Jon and Tim, are heartbroken. Pauline said the crash had a big impact and that she feels her future ended.
Paul Abraham read their statements in court. Pauline said Ian was her husband for nearly 50 years, a father, grandfather, and dear friend. His death caused a great loss.
Writing the statement was hard for the family, bringing back memories of that day. They measure their lives by what they will miss, like family walks or milestone events.
They struggled not knowing details about the accident. Finding closure has been impossible and their lives are on hold since that day. They wait for the truth and some understanding as they try to live without him, holding tight to memories to keep him in their hearts.
It will never truly be over for them. The pain might lessen, but life changed forever. She loved her husband; they had 48 happy years together. He was her everything: friend, partner, teammate, and it feels like losing half of herself.
He loved to plan surprises and was proud of his sons. He was happy they married Becky and Tara and loved his four grandchildren very much.
Pauline feels robbed of her future with Ian. They planned to visit Pebble Beach for their anniversary, but canceling plans made her feel her future was canceled.
After Ian’s death, it felt unreal. She hoped it was a test and that he would return, but she knows he is gone forever. Still, she hopes he will walk back in.
She often cycled with Ian and regrets not joining him that day. She hasn’t been able to ride since, but she knows Ian wanted them to live life fully. This is now their goal.
Jon said his father’s death is an ongoing nightmare. The loss has impacted many people, and special occasions will never be the same. He misses everyday things like golf or beers.
The sons told their children their grandfather wouldn’t return. This was devastating for everyone.
Tim said his dad always wanted a family. He finally had a loving family group, and they robbed him of that dream too early.
Detective Laura Cleary wants this to be a “wake-up call.” Don’t use a phone while driving, she stated. Waugh claimed she didn’t see Ian.
Witnesses said Ian rode normally and wore bright clothes. They stated Waugh’s car veered towards him. Waugh admits to causing death by dangerous driving and that she used a mobile phone.
Using a phone while driving is dangerous. The consequences are clear. They extend their thoughts to Ian’s family, as this was an avoidable tragedy.