Lee Robb, jailed for heroin, posts TikToks boasting about his “cushy” prison life, using a smuggled phone to share pics and videos.

Lee Robb, jailed for heroin trafficking before after using goose hunting as his cover, posted videos to social media. He says he takes drugs in jail to “chill” before court. The 41-year-old also abused someone, posting photos and videos of prison on an account named “Kat fi Leslie.”
Robb seems to have a banned phone, telling his 259 followers about searches where officers looked for his illegal stuff but failed. He posted a picture with a friend, saying: “easy life in HMP.” He shared about Burns night celebrations. They had Irn Bru and caramel wafers.
He posted the Shotts prison canteen sheet, showing you can buy anything. Robb deleted the picture later after followers saw his prison number, which had his identifying details.
Robb, who has served 13 years already, boasted about taking diazepam before going to court. He said he takes pills because court can take all day, making it a nice chilling day for him.
A prison spokesperson commented that they use many methods to stop illegal items, including mobile phones, and report recovered items to the police.