A six-year-old luckily escaped a car flip on the M6 near Keele. The child lacked a car seat, sparking social media reactions.

A child was in one car. The car flipped over during the accident. The six-year-old hit their head. Police say the child lacked a car seat.
The Road Crime Team (RCT) responded. They posted a photo of the crash online. The RCT wants kids restrained properly. Children need car seats or boosters if they fail to meet height/age. Kids shorter than 135cm need restraint. Children under 12 years old also do.
Thankfully, no one suffered major injuries. Social media users reacted strongly after seeing the post. Many people expressed disbelief. They found it shocking a child rode without a car seat.
One person said their paranoia came from being a parent. They obsessed over restraints, checking everything. Another person suggested awareness courses. These could help people understand the risks. The mandatory course could work like speeding courses.