A housing scheme once rejected in a seaside village might proceed due to new affordable housing plans.

They want to construct five houses in total. One house will be priced as affordable housing. The earlier plan didn’t include affordable housing. Planners turned it down last year because of this. The site is small at 0.17 hectares.
The agent said homes surround the land. Housing is to the north, west, east, and south. The current plan includes one affordable home. The previous plan was rejected in March 2024.
The prior plan lacked affordable housing. The developer offered money instead. Officials thought the location could support housing. The space was fit for appropriate development.
Design, roads, and the environment were all right. This new plan keeps the good parts of the old plan. The big difference involves affordable housing. They added a fifth house for this purpose.
The four regular homes got smaller. Homes now meet rules for affordable housing size. A three-bedroom house has size limits. The company will agree to a legal deal. This requires funding for community projects. Building the affordable house addresses the main issue. Planners will review the application later.