Campbell Scott was found dead in a sack near Nairobi. Police arrested two suspects after graphic images surfaced.

Police arrested two people and plan to do an autopsy soon. Graphic images appeared online, showing his body at the scene.
Campbell Scott arrived on February 15 for a business trip in Nairobi. He was last seen the next night with an unknown man. They visited a nightclub.
CCTV showed him in a car park wearing a blue top and shorts. The top had a Scotland flag on it. A disturbing image then surfaced online, it showed a body in the same clothes. The body laid in an open sack. Pineapples were also in the sack.
Attackers may have posed as fruit vendors. Another image showed a trainer from the sack, which was in some undergrowth. A Facebook post expressed outrage and asked for divine punishment.
Scott worked for FICO, a credit scoring firm, and was attending a conference at the JW Marriott hotel. He stayed there with colleagues.
A herder found a body in a sack. Police received this report on Saturday. The body was identified as Campbell Scott and was found in Makongo Forest. Local media reported torture signs and apparent strangulation. An autopsy is planned for today.
Two men were arrested for the death, one was a taxi driver and the other worked as a waiter.
FICO mourned Scott’s death and said they would miss him. He had worked there since 2014.
CCTV likely captured him right before he vanished. He visited local bars and clubs that night and seemed in good spirits. Media reported that he talked to hotel staff.
Scott left the hotel on Sunday at 11:15 AM, telling colleagues he would walk to shake off jet lag. He never came back. Colleagues tried calling him at 6 and 7 PM and then filed a police report. Interpol joined the investigation later.
UK officials and police went to Makueni, where herders had found a body in a sack. The Foreign Office is helping Scott’s family and is in contact with Kenyan authorities.