The search for Robert Scott Clive continues for a fifth day as police focus on a North Shields home.

The house is near the town center. Robert, called Scott, visited it the night he disappeared. Police began searching Monday, and a tent now stands outside the house on Coronation Street. Forensics officers are working inside.
Scott went missing in October 2002. Police first treated him as missing but launched a murder probe weeks later, without finding a body. Seven people were arrested then, but none were charged.
Detectives reviewed the case in 2008. Divers searched the River Tyne after a witness saw a man like Scott near the river early morning on October 11, 2002. They found no body there.
Police told Scott’s family their theory: they thought he entered the river. The case changed last summer when officers arrested a 49-year-old man for suspected murder; he is currently out on bail.
Searches continue for a fifth day. Forensics officers and police officers returned to the scene. Search and welfare support teams appeared. Part of Coronation Street is still blocked off, and it’s unknown how long the searches will last.