Kamran Hanif jailed for fracturing a driver’s jaw in Bradford. The violent attack left the victim needing surgery.

Hanif was a convicted drug dealer who was out on license. He had served time for drug crimes, his sentence was seven and a half years.
The victim drove to meet a friend in the Knowles Lane area. Hanif was driving a white van filled with scrap metal, and he got angry at the victim’s driving.
Hanif stopped his van in front and yelled, “You can’t drive.” He threatened to teach him how. Hanif then pushed the other man, becoming very angry.
The man asked Hanif to calm down, explaining he sought a parking spot. The man said he didn’t want to fight. Hanif swore and acted aggressively, saying he’d break his face.
The victim tried to talk to others nearby. Hanif punched him in the face. The man fell back onto his car. Hanif then drove away in his van, and the victim felt a lot of pain instantly, his face bled after the punch.
Doctors found two jaw fractures that needed surgery. A metal plate fixed his jaw. Police looked for Hanif, who turned himself in later at the police station.
The victim spoke about the attack, stating he couldn’t talk or eat well for months. Scarring remains inside his mouth. Surgery caused this permanent damage.
The prosecutor spoke about the incident, noting that Hanif thought before acting. He followed the victim to confront him. Hanif admitted his guilt in court, acknowledging he caused serious harm to the man and saying he felt sorry now.
His lawyer said it was a heated moment and that he lost his temper that day.
The judge spoke of Hanif’s license recall, stating he won’t be free until July 2026. The judge could not add more time, as this sentence won’t extend his release.
The judge noted violent past convictions and dismissed the heat of the moment claim.
Hanif intended to confront the man, following the victim in his van.
The judge gave Hanif a year in jail and issued a five-year restraining order. Hanif cannot contact the victim.