Michael Smith, Adam Williams, and Connor Walsh found guilty of murdering 36 year old Rikki Berry in a shooting plot revealed in court.

“Nuggy” Berry was shot in Kirkby outside his girlfriend’s house on July 17 of the previous year.
Smith, Williams, and Walsh had a trial at Liverpool Crown Court. They were charged with Berry’s murder and possessing a firearm illegally. A jury convicted them Friday morning.
The jury, consisting of eight men and four women, deliberated for almost eight hours. Berry’s family reacted emotionally in the gallery.
The defendants will receive their sentences Tuesday from Judge Andrew Menary KC. He said the sentences were inevitable, and each faces a life sentence. The exact minimum term remains pending. Jurors are excused for ten years, and the family applauded them as they left.
Judge Menary stated the term would be very long due to a firearm involvement. Williams admitted to driving a black SUV that traveled with the shooter, Smith. The attack occurred after a “reconnaissance” at the victim’s work location. Williams is 26 and from St. Helens.
Williams and Walsh denied involvement, claiming no knowledge of an “execution.” The driver stated he stopped the SUV when an e-bike rider appeared and shot Berry after a passenger reported yelling.
Walsh’s DNA showed up on a bullet casing and the firearm’s magazine. That evening, Walsh returned to the crime scene with his son and nephew.
Smith admitted to manslaughter and firearm possession mid-trial. His co-defendants then changed their statements, identifying him as the e-bike rider. Smith didn’t testify, and his lawyer argued he only meant to frighten.