Carl Wild faces attempted murder charge after an alleged attack at Peggy Junes bar in Redcar. Two others are charged with related offenses.

Carl Wild, age 33, faces some serious charges. The charges include attempted murder and burglary. He’s also charged with criminal damage and affray. The court was Teesside Magistrates’ Court.
Lee Wild, age 37, also appeared in court. Simone Reed, age 36, was there too. Lee is charged with helping an offender. Simone is charged with several things. She is charged with helping an offender and possessing a blade. She’s also charged with assault.
All three are in custody. They will go to Teesside Crown Court on March 18. The incident happened at Peggy Junes bar. The bar is on Queen Street. It happened after 8pm on February 15.
Three people went to the hospital with injuries. The injuries weren’t life-threatening, thankfully. Police and paramedics showed up. They put up a cordon and investigated. The North East Ambulance Service got a call around 8:45pm. They sent an ambulance and a team leader. A doctor from North East Immediate Care came too.